Sustainability and social impacts
Keeping people safe and well is the single greatest responsibility. That is why the company pursues a Zero Harm principle.
We are deeply aware of the importance of our people and their contribution to meeting our operational and financial objectives. By supporting people and nurturing their talent they are able to realise their full potential and help the business as a whole to do the same.
Being a non-discriminating and fair employer, we promote a fair and safe working culture, in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goal #8.

Human Rights, Anti-Discrimination and Fair Employment
The BW Offshore Code of Ethics and Business Conduct represents the commitment to respect for the individual, upholding human rights and instituting fair and ethical employment practices.
We have established several policies with routines and procedures aligned with ethical and compliant business practices, such as rules for transparent recruitment and provision of employment agreements establishing our personnel’s rights and entitlements.
We are committed to treating all persons with dignity and respect. We carefully consider the effect and impact on local communities and indigenous peoples where our activities might have an impact. BW Offshore prohibits unlawful discrimination based on ethnic or national origin, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status or family structure, religion or disability. Inappropriate workplace conduct, such as harassment, violence or discrimination is not tolerated.
We support the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the standards advised by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Slavery, forced labour, child labour, torture and other violations of human rights are totally unacceptable.
Third parties providing goods and services to BW Offshore are expected to comply with human rights and relevant employment practices, and we perform due diligence to support the effort to ensure that the various supply chains operate in an ethical and responsible manner to prevent slavery, human trafficking, forced or child labour and any other violations of human rights and labour standards.
We follow the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) guidelines for reporting incidents:
- Lost Time Injuries (LTI): An injury in the workplace that means the injured person is unable to resume normal duties in their next shift or subsequent shifts.
- Total Recordable Injuries (TRI): The sum of lost time injuries, restricted work cases and medical treatment cases.
- High Potential Incidents (HPI): An incident not causing harm or damage but that, under slightly different circumstances, could have realistically resulted in one or more fatalities or major damage.
Workforce diversity and equal opportunity
We believe that diversity promotes healthy collaboration and positive development, and operate with multinational teams on all offshore units and in all onshore locations. We are committed to ensure equal opportunities regardless of gender, ethnic background, age, religion or sexual orientation, and aim to provide a comfortable and adequate work environment to all employees.
We continue to build a diverse workforce by attracting, recruiting, developing and retaining people regardless of gender, nationality and age, across all types of positions.