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Company presentation

BW Offshore is presenting at the Pareto Oil & Offshore Conference today. Please see the full presentation Attached.

The presentation contains an updated status of the order backlog where the backlog has been reduced with the optional periods of the Peregrino contract for Statoil in Brazil. Due to a change in the operating model Statoil has notified the Company that the Peregrino contract will not be extended after the current expiry. BW Offshore will support Statoil in the transition process until final handover in June 2017.

For further information, please contact:

About BW Offshore:

BW Offshore is a leading global provider of floating production services to the oil and gas industry. BW Offshore is the world's second largest contractor with a fleet of 14 FPSOs represented in all major oil regions world-wide. BW Offshore has a long track record on project execution and operations. In more than 30 years of production, BW Offshore has executed 38 FPSO and FSO projects. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Further information is also available on

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